#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <string.h>

#include "inmost.h"
using namespace INMOST;

#ifndef M_PI
#define M_PI 3.141592653589

#if defined(USE_MPI)
#define BARRIER

void make_vec(Storage::real v1[3], Storage::real v2[3], Storage::real out[3])
	out[0] = v1[0] - v2[0];
	out[1] = v1[1] - v2[1];
	out[2] = v1[2] - v2[2];

Storage::real dot_prod(Storage::real v1[3], Storage::real v2[3])
	return v1[0]*v2[0]+v1[1]*v2[1]+v1[2]*v2[2];

Storage::real func(Storage::real x[3], Storage::real tmp)
	//  	return x[0] + 2 * x[1] + 3 * x[2];
	double s0 = sin (M_PI * x[0]); 
	double s1 = sin (M_PI * x[1]);
	double s2 = sin (M_PI * x[2]);
	return s0 * s1 * s2;
	(void) tmp;

Storage::real func_rhs(Storage::real x[3], Storage::real tmp)
	//  	return 0;
	return -3 * tmp * M_PI * M_PI * sin (M_PI * x[0]) * sin (M_PI * x[1]) * sin (M_PI * x[2]);

int main(int argc,char ** argv)
	Solver::Initialize(&argc,&argv,""); // Initialize the solver and MPI activity
#if defined(USE_PARTITIONER)
	Partitioner::Initialize(&argc,&argv); // Initialize the partitioner activity
	if( argc > 1 )
		Tag phi, tensor_K, id;
		Mesh * m = new Mesh(); // Create an empty mesh
		double ttt = Timer();
		bool repartition = false;
		m->SetCommunicator(INMOST_MPI_COMM_WORLD); // Set the MPI communicator for the mesh
		if( m->GetProcessorRank() == 0 ) // If the current process is the master one
			std::cout << argv[0] << std::endl;

		if( m->isParallelFileFormat(argv[1]) )
			m->Load(argv[1]); // Load mesh from the parallel file format
			repartition = true;
			if( m->GetProcessorRank() == 0 )
				m->Load(argv[1]); // Load mesh from the serial file format
		if( m->GetProcessorRank() == 0 ) std::cout << "Processors: " << m->GetProcessorsNumber() << std::endl;
		if( m->GetProcessorRank() == 0 ) std::cout << "Load(MPI_File): " << Timer()-ttt << std::endl;

		//~ double ttt2 = Timer();
		//~ Mesh t;
		//~ t.SetCommunicator(INMOST_MPI_COMM_WORLD);
		//~ t.SetParallelFileStrategy(0);
		//~ t.Load(argv[1]);
		//~ if( m->GetProcessorRank() == 0 ) std::cout << "Load(MPI_Scatter): " << Timer()-ttt2 << std::endl;

#if defined(USE_PARTITIONER)
		if (!repartition) 
		{ // currently only non-distributed meshes are supported by Inner_RCM partitioner
			ttt = Timer();
			Partitioner * p = new Partitioner(m);
			p->SetMethod(Partitioner::Inner_RCM,Partitioner::Partition); // Specify the partitioner
			p->Evaluate(); // Compute the partitioner and store new processor ID in the mesh
			delete p;

			if( m->GetProcessorRank() == 0 ) std::cout << "Evaluate: " << Timer()-ttt << std::endl;

			ttt = Timer();
			m->Redistribute(); // Redistribute the mesh data
			m->ReorderEmpty(CELL|FACE|EDGE|NODE); // Clean the data after reordring

			if( m->GetProcessorRank() == 0 ) std::cout << "Redistribute: " << Timer()-ttt << std::endl;

		ttt = Timer();
		m->AssignGlobalID(CELL | EDGE | FACE | NODE);
		if( m->GetProcessorRank() == 0 ) std::cout << "Assign id: " << Timer()-ttt << std::endl;
		id = m->GlobalIDTag(); // Get the tag of the global ID
		phi = m->CreateTag("Solution",DATA_REAL,CELL,NONE,1); // Create a new tag for the solution phi
		tensor_K = m->CreateTag("K",DATA_REAL,CELL,NONE,1); // Create a new tag for K tensor
		for( Mesh::iteratorCell cell = m->BeginCell(); cell != m->EndCell(); ++cell ) // Loop over mesh cells
			if( cell->GetStatus() != Element::Ghost ) // If the cell is an own one
				cell->Real(tensor_K) = 1.0; // Store the tensor K value into the tag

		ttt = Timer();
		m->ExchangeData(tensor_K,CELL,0); // Exchange the tensor_K data over processors
		if( m->GetProcessorRank() == 0 ) std::cout << "Exchange ghost: " << Timer()-ttt << std::endl;

		ttt = Timer();
		Solver S("inner_ilu2"); // Specify the linear solver to ASM+ILU2+BiCGStab one
		S.SetParameter("absolute_tolerance", "1e-8");
		S.SetParameter("schwartz_overlap", "2");
    	Residual R; // Residual vector
    	Sparse::LockService Locks;
		Sparse::Vector Update; // Declare the solution and the right-hand side vectors

		Mesh::GeomParam table;

		table[CENTROID] = CELL | FACE;
		table[NORMAL] = FACE;
		table[MEASURE] = CELL | FACE;
		//~ if( m->GetProcessorRank() == 0 ) std::cout << "Prepare geometric data: " << Timer()-ttt << std::endl;
			Automatizator aut;
			INMOST_DATA_ENUM_TYPE iphi = aut.RegisterTag(phi,CELL);

			// Set the indeces intervals for the matrix and vectors
			//~ std::cout << m->GetProcessorRank() << " A,x,b interval " << idmin << ":" << idmax << " size " << idmax-idmin << std::endl;
			dynamic_variable Phi(aut,iphi);
			// Solve \nabla \cdot \nabla phi = f equation
			//for( Mesh::iteratorFace face = m->BeginFace(); face != m->EndFace(); ++face )
#if defined(USE_OMP)
#pragma omp parallel
				variable flux; //should be more efficient to define here to avoid multiple memory allocations if storage for variations should be expanded
#if defined(USE_OMP)
#pragma omp for
				for(Storage::integer iface = 0; iface < m->FaceLastLocalID(); ++iface ) if( m->isValidFace(iface) )
					Face face = Face(m,ComposeFaceHandle(iface));
					Element::Status s1,s2;
					Cell r1 = face->BackCell();
					Cell r2 = face->FrontCell();
					if( ((!r1->isValid() || (s1 = r1->GetStatus()) == Element::Ghost)?0:1) +
						((!r2->isValid() || (s2 = r2->GetStatus()) == Element::Ghost)?0:1) == 0) continue;
					Storage::integer i1 = aut.GetIndex(r1,iphi), i2;
					Storage::real f_nrm[3], r1_cnt[3], r2_cnt[3], f_cnt[3], d1, d2, D, v[3], T;
					Storage::real f_area = face->Area(); // Get the face area
					face->UnitNormal(f_nrm); // Get the face normal
					r1->Centroid(r1_cnt);  // Get the barycenter of the cell
					face->Centroid(f_cnt); // Get the barycenter of the face
					if( !r2->isValid() ) // boundary condition
						Storage::real bnd_pnt[3], dist;
						dist = dot_prod(f_nrm,v);
						// bnd_pnt is a projection of the cell center to the face
						bnd_pnt[0] = r1_cnt[0] + dist * f_nrm[0];
						bnd_pnt[1] = r1_cnt[1] + dist * f_nrm[1];
						bnd_pnt[2] = r1_cnt[2] + dist * f_nrm[2];
						T = r1->Real(tensor_K) * f_area / dist;
						//flux =  T * (func(bnd_pnt,0) - variable(aut,r1,iphi));
						R[i1] -=  T * (func(bnd_pnt,0) - Phi(r1));
						i2 = aut.GetIndex(r2,iphi);
						D = dot_prod(f_nrm,f_cnt);
						d1 = fabs(dot_prod(r1_cnt,f_nrm) - D);
						d2 = fabs(dot_prod(r2_cnt,f_nrm) - D);
						T = 1.0 / (d1/r1->Real(tensor_K) + d2/r2->Real(tensor_K)) * f_area;
						//flux = T * (variable(aut,r2,iphi) - variable(aut,r1,iphi));//(unknown(aut,r2,iphi) - unknown(aut,r1,iphi));
						flux = T * (Phi(r2) - Phi(r1));
						if( s1 != Element::Ghost )
							R[i1] -= flux;
						if( s2 != Element::Ghost )
							R[i2] += flux;
#if defined(USE_OMP)
#pragma omp parallel for
			for( Storage::integer icell = 0; icell < m->CellLastLocalID(); ++icell ) if( m->isValidCell(icell) )
				Cell cell = Cell(m,ComposeCellHandle(icell));
				if( cell->GetStatus() != Element::Ghost )
					R[cell->Integer(id)] += cell->Mean(func_rhs, cell->Real(tensor_K)) * cell->Volume();
			if( m->GetProcessorRank() == 0 ) std::cout << "Matrix assemble: " << Timer()-ttt << std::endl;

			m->RemoveGeometricData(table); // Clean the computed geometric data

			if( argc > 3 ) // Save the matrix and RHS if required
				ttt = Timer();
				R.GetJacobian().Save(std::string(argv[2])); // "A.mtx"
				R.GetResidual().Save(std::string(argv[3])); // "b.rhs"
				if( m->GetProcessorRank() == 0 ) std::cout << "Save matrix \"" << argv[2] << "\" and RHS \"" << argv[3] << "\": " << Timer()-ttt << std::endl;

			ttt = Timer();

			S.SetMatrix(R.GetJacobian()); // Compute the preconditioner for the original matrix
			S.Solve(R.GetResidual(),Update);   // Solve the linear system with the previously computted preconditioner

			if( m->GetProcessorRank() == 0 ) 
				std::cout << S.Residual() << " " << S.Iterations() << " " << S.ReturnReason() << std::endl;
				std::cout << "Solve system: " << Timer()-ttt << std::endl;

			ttt = Timer();

			Tag error = m->CreateTag("error",DATA_REAL,CELL,NONE,1);

			Storage::real err_C = 0.0, err_L2 = 0.0;
#if defined(USE_OMP)
#pragma omp parallel
				Storage::real local_err_C = 0;
#if defined(USE_OMP)
#pragma omp for reduction(+:err_L2)
				for( Storage::integer icell = 0; icell < m->CellLastLocalID(); ++icell )
					Cell cell = Cell(m,ComposeCellHandle(icell));
					if( cell->GetStatus() != Element::Ghost )
						Storage::real old = cell->Real(phi);
						Storage::real exact = cell->Mean(func, 0); // Compute the mean value of the function over the cell
						Storage::real res = Update[aut.GetIndex(cell->self(),iphi)];
						Storage::real sol = old-res;
						Storage::real err = fabs (sol - exact);
						if (err > local_err_C) local_err_C = err;
						err_L2 += err * err * cell->Volume();
						cell->Real(error) = err;
						cell->Real(phi) = sol;
#if defined(USE_OMP)
#pragma omp critical
					if( local_err_C > err_C ) err_C = local_err_C;
			err_C = m->AggregateMax(err_C); // Compute the maximal C norm for the error
			err_L2 = sqrt(m->Integrate(err_L2)); // Compute the global L2 norm for the error
			if( m->GetProcessorRank() == 0 ) std::cout << "err_C  = " << err_C << std::endl;
			if( m->GetProcessorRank() == 0 ) std::cout << "err_L2 = " << err_L2 << std::endl;
		if( m->GetProcessorRank() == 0 ) std::cout << "Compute true residual: " << Timer()-ttt << std::endl;

		ttt = Timer();
		m->ExchangeData(phi,CELL,0); // Data exchange over processors
		if( m->GetProcessorRank() == 0 ) std::cout << "Exchange phi: " << Timer()-ttt << std::endl;

		std::string filename = "result";
		if( m->GetProcessorsNumber() == 1 )
			filename += ".vtk";
			filename += ".pvtk";
		ttt = Timer();
		if( m->GetProcessorRank() == 0 ) std::cout << "Save \"" << filename << "\": " << Timer()-ttt << std::endl;

		delete m;
		std::cout << argv[0] << " mesh_file [A.mtx b.rhs]" << std::endl;

#if defined(USE_PARTITIONER)
	Partitioner::Finalize(); // Finalize the partitioner activity
	Solver::Finalize(); // Finalize solver and close MPI activity
	return 0;