Compilation guide for INMOST on Windows
Download source archive from https://github.com/INMOST-DEV/INMOST/releases and unpack it.
Create new directory for building process.
Start CMake-gui application and select the above two directories as source and build paths respectively, then press `Configure` button. Select your Visual Studio compiler version and press `Finish`.
If configuration goes successfully, press `Generate` button.
The build directory will be populated with Visual Studio solution file. Open it in Visual Studio and select Build Solution.
Optionally we can compile included examples and tests.
Open CMake-gui, open your build path, and turn on check-boxes `COMPILE_EXAMPLES` and `COMPILE_TESTS`. Press `Configure`, then `Generate`. Reopen solution in Visual Studio and select Build Solution.
Once everything is complete, select `RUN_TESTS` target in Project explorer, right-click it and select Rebuild.
This will start internal tests.