... | @@ -238,3 +238,4 @@ Then when you click "Configure" CMake should provide you with information on Tri |
... | @@ -238,3 +238,4 @@ Then when you click "Configure" CMake should provide you with information on Tri |
Click "Generate" and now you can compile INMOST with Trilinos. In later times it may happen that you compile INMOST and encounter unresolved externals related to Trilinos. This happens due to some misconfiguration of Trilinos by CMake that results in all *.c files not being compiled. In order to fix it just wipe out all the trilinos_build_path directory and try to build everything from scratch.
Click "Generate" and now you can compile INMOST with Trilinos. In later times it may happen that you compile INMOST and encounter unresolved externals related to Trilinos. This happens due to some misconfiguration of Trilinos by CMake that results in all *.c files not being compiled. In order to fix it just wipe out all the trilinos_build_path directory and try to build everything from scratch.
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