Technical Description
- Domain
- Mesh
- Elements
- Sets
- Data
- Modification
- Parallel
- Parallel Modification
- File Formats
- Partitioner
- Partitioners
- Partitioners
- Solver
- Vector
- Row
- Row Merger
- Matrix
- Hessian Row
- Hessian Row Merger
- Hessian Matrix
- Solvers
- Solvers
- Dense Matrices
- Algorithms
- Representation
- Interoperation
- Interoperation
- Automatic differentiation
- Expressions
- Automatizator
- Variable Expressions
- Residual
- Dense Matrices
- Nonlinear solver
- Optimization
- Supplementary
K. Terekhov. Application of octree-type adaptive grids to solution of filtration and hydrodynamics problems. Ph.D. Thesis, INM RAS, Moscow, 2013 (in Russian) (PDF)
Yu. Vassilevski, I. Konshin, G. Kopytov, K. Terekhov. INMOST – a software platform and a graphical environment for development of parallel numerical models on general meshes. ISBN 978-5-211-06480-5. Lomonosov Moscow State Univ. Publ., Moscow, 2013, 144 p. (in Russian) (PDF)
A. A. Danilov, K. M. Terekhov, I. N. Konshin, Y. V. Vassilevski. Parallel software platform INMOST: a framework for numerical modeling, Supercomputing Frontiers and Innovations (2015) V.2, No.4, 55-66. (PDF)
A. Danilov, K. Terekhov, I. Konshin, Yu. Vassilevski, The structure of INMOST program platform and its usage for numerical modeling problems, In: Proc. of Russian Supercomputing Days 2015, Moscow State Univ. Publ., Moscow, 2015, pp. 104-109. (PDF)
Yu. Vassilevski, I. Konshin, G. Kopytov, K. Terekhov, Software platform and graphical environment for development of parallel numerical models on general meshes. In: Proc. of Int. Conf. "Numerical geometry, grid generation and scientific computing" (NUMGRID2012) December 17-19, 2012. Dorodnicyn Computing Center of Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, 2012. (in Russian) (slides)
D. V. Bagaev, A. I. Burachkovski, I. N. Konshin, K. D. Terekhov, INMOST software platform (development in 2016): Dynamic distributed grids, automatic differentiation and linear solvers, In: Proc. of the Third meeting of national developers of CFD codes "National CFD codes - 2016", December 3-4, 2016, IMM RAS, Moscow. (in Russian) (slides)
D. V. Bagaev, A. I. Burachkovski, A. A. Danilov, I. N. Konshin, K. D. Terekhov, Development of {INMOST} software platform: dynamic grids, linear solvers and automatic differentiation, In: Russian Supercomputing Days: Proc. of the Int. Conf. (September 26-27, 2016, Moscow, Russia). Moscow State University, Moscow, 2016, pp. 543-555 (in Russian) (PDF)