Prepearing test for INMOST
This page will guide you through how you can prepear test for INMOST.
##Naming test.
Following naming convention should be used for tests:
* tests for Domain - domain_test000-domain_test999
* test for Mesh - mesh_test000-mesh_test999
* test for Mesh in parallel - pmesh_test000-pmesh_test999
* test for Solver - solver_test000-solver_test999
* test for Autodiff - autodiff_test000-autodiff_test999
* tests for Nonlinear Solver - nonlinear_test000-nonlinear_test999
You should create folder with your name in Tests folder. Use this folder for your tests source and data.
##Prepearing for CMake.
First open Tests/CMakeLists.txt file and add a line "add_subdirectory(your_test_name)"
In folder of your test create CMakeLists file as well.
To be continued...
###Using additional resource files in tests
To be continued...
##Describing test in WIKI
When you have finished tuning and setting your tests, it is recommended that you create an article describing test in Wiki.
Use following name for a new article on Wiki.
First you should get unique 4-digit number in accordance with:
* for Domain tests 5100-5199
* for Mesh tests 5200-5299
* for parallel Mesh tests 5300-5399
* for Solver tests 5400-5499
* for Autodiff tests 5500-5599
* for Nonlinear Solver tests 5600-5699
Then append to this number several short keywords that describe the test. Separate 4-digit number and keywords with spaces. Look into other articles for contents.