Wiki files should be ordered and named so that they will fit nicely into PDF in later times.
Instructions on how to make PDF from github wiki are available here
The page title should start from 4 digits that will put each document into order. For example this document has 9999 position. In order for wiki to be extensible some enumeration should be reserved for later times.
Proposed enumeration for documents:
0000 - Home page, since github expects page with name "Home" as first page, then the page should be renamed only for the purposes of generating PDF
0001-0099 - Introduction, Motivation, Goals, etc
0100-0199 - Introduction for compilation guides, platform/compiler - specific introductions
0200-0299 - Windows compilation guides
0300-0399 - Macintosh compilation guides
0400-0599 - Linux compilation guides
0600-0699 - IBM AIX compilation guides
0700-0799 - Universal compilation guides
0800-0999 - Reserved for future compilation guides
1000 - Introduction for User Guide
1001-1199 - working with Domain class, using external tools to make domains, import/export of domain, examples
1200-1299 - working with Mesh class in serial, using external tools to make meshes, import/export of mesh, hierarchy traversal, using markers, working with mesh data, setting geometric services, diagnosing mesh problems, building meshes on your own preserving elements orientation, using services for mesh modification, handling high order elements, examples
1300-1399 - working with Mesh class in parallel, exchanging mesh data, defining reduction functions, common problems in parallel, modifying mesh in parallel
1400-1499 - using Partitioner class to split mesh among processors, examples
1500-1599 - filling Solver::Vector with values, filling Solver::Matrix with values, using Solver class to solve linear problem, passing parameters into solvers, using with external solving packages, examples
1600-1699 - using Automatizer class for automatic problem differentiation, checking derivatives, forming Solver::Matrix class by results of automatic differentiation, examples
1600-1699 - reserved for NonlinearSolver class
1700-1799 - Examples for cross-module usage
1800 List of all examples
1801-1999 - Reserved for future
2000 - Introduction for Developer Guide
2001-2199 - Coding style, DO's, DONT's, commenting and documenting code
2200-2299 - Optimizing and debugging INMOST in parallel
2300-2999 - Reserved
3000 - Introduction for Technical Description
3001-3099 - Algorithms in Domain class
3100-3199 - Data organization in mesh, organization for mesh parts and element links, hierarchy organization, markers, modification algorithms
3200-3299 - Description for parallel algorithms
3300-3399 - Organization for mesh modification in parallel
3400-3499 - Organization of Solver::Vector and Solver::Matrix, description of algorithms for INNER_ILU2 and INNER_MLILUC
3500-3599 - Description of automatic discretization algorithms
3600-3699 - Reserved for description of nonlinear solver algorithms
3700-3999 - Reserved for technical description
4000-4999 - Benchmarking
5000-5999 - Testing
5000-5099 - articles for testing
5100-5199 - description of tests for Domain
5200-5299 - description of tests for Mesh
5300-5399 - description of tests for parallel Mesh
5400-5499 - description of tests for Solver
5500-5599 - description of tests for Autodiff
5600-5699 - description of tests for Nonlinear solver
6000-6999 - Technical proposals
7000-7099 - Porting guides from MOAB, MSTK, FMDB STK for mesh
7100-7199 - Porting guides from PETSc, Trilinos, etc for solvers
7200-9899 - Reserved for extensions
9900-9999 - Rules for writing Wiki, proposals