# Technical Description
# Technical Description
Detailed technical description will be added as well.
Links below contain detailed technical description of the implementation of particular data structures and algorithms. For general use see [[User Guides|1000-UserGuide]].
* [[Domain|3001-Domain]] for operations on geometrical model of the domain. (not implemented)
* [[Mesh|3100-Mesh]] for operations with the discrete representation of the domain.
* Manipulations with mesh [[Elements|3101-MeshElements]].
* Representation of [[Sets|3115-ElementSet]] of elements.
* Mesh [[Data|3125-MeshData]] organization and access.
* Mesh [[Modification|3150-MeshModification]] algorithms.
* Distributed [[Parallel|3175-ParallelMesh]] algorithms.
* Distributed [[Parallel Modification|3200-ParallelMeshModification]] of the mesh.
* [[File Formats|3225-MeshFiles]] for the mesh.
* [[Partitioner|3300-Partitioner]] for separation of the mesh into parts.
* Internal [[Partitioners|3325-InternalPartitioners]].
* External [[Partitioners|3350-ExternalPartitioners]].
* [[Solver|3400-SparseSolver]] for solution of the sparse system of linear equations.
* [[Vector|3401-SparseVector]] for representation of the solution and the right hand side in dense vector.
* [[Row|3415-SparseRow]] for representation of the sparse vector used for Matrix.
* [[Row Merger|3420-SparseRowMerger]] for addition of multiple sparse vectors.
* [[Matrix|3425-SparseMatrix]] for representation of the Jacobian matrix of first derivatives.
* [[Hessian Row|3430-SparseHessianRow]] for the representation of the sparse matrix of second derivatives.
* [[Hessian Row Merger|3435-SparseHessianRowMerger]] for the addition of multiple sparse matrices of second derivatives.
* [[Hessian Matrix|3440-SparseHessianMatrix]] for representation of the Hessian tensor of second derivatives.
* Internal [[Solvers|3450-SparseInternalSolvers]] for the solution of the sparse system.
* External [[Solvers|3475-SparseExternalSolvers]] for the solution of the sparse system.
* Linear algebra on [[Dense Matrices|3500-DenseMatrix]].
* [[Algorithms|3501-DenseMatrixAlgorithms]] on dense matrices.
* [[Representation|3550-DenseMatrixRepresentation]] of a dense matrix and sub-matrix.
* [[Interoperation|3575-DenseMatrixMeshInteroperation]] with mesh data.
* [[Interoperation|3585-DenseMatrixAutodiffInteroperation]] with automatic differentiation.
* Methods for [[Automatic differentiation|3600-Autodiff]].
* [[Expressions|3601-Expressions]] for algebra of variables with derivatives.
* [[Automatizator|3625-Automatizator]] for interoperation with mesh.
* [[Variable Expressions|3650-VariableExpressions]] for construction of operations to be performed on mesh elements using expressions.
* [[Residual|3675-Residual]] for the automated assembly of the Jacobian matrix, Hessian tensor and right hand side for the system of nonlinear equations.
* Working with [[Dense Matrices|3585-DenseMatrixAutodiffInteroperation]] of variables with derivatives.
* [[Nonlinear solver|3700-NonlinearSolver]] (not implemented)
* [[Optimization|3800-Optimization]] (not implemented)
* [[Supplementary|3950-Supplementary]] data structures and algorithms.
## References
## References
... | @@ -19,4 +56,4 @@ Detailed technical description will be added as well. |
... | @@ -19,4 +56,4 @@ Detailed technical description will be added as well. |
- D. V. Bagaev, A. I. Burachkovski, A. A. Danilov, I. N. Konshin, K. D. Terekhov, Development of {INMOST} software platform: dynamic grids, linear solvers and automatic differentiation, In: Russian Supercomputing Days: Proc. of the Int. Conf. (September 26-27, 2016, Moscow, Russia). Moscow State University, Moscow, 2016, pp. 543-555 (in Russian) [(PDF)](http://dodo.inm.ras.ru/~konshin/papers/2016-RuSCDays-inmost.pdf)
- D. V. Bagaev, A. I. Burachkovski, A. A. Danilov, I. N. Konshin, K. D. Terekhov, Development of {INMOST} software platform: dynamic grids, linear solvers and automatic differentiation, In: Russian Supercomputing Days: Proc. of the Int. Conf. (September 26-27, 2016, Moscow, Russia). Moscow State University, Moscow, 2016, pp. 543-555 (in Russian) [(PDF)](http://dodo.inm.ras.ru/~konshin/papers/2016-RuSCDays-inmost.pdf)
See [[related publications|7200-Related-Publications]] for various applications of INMOST. |
See [[related publications|7200-Related-Publications]] for various applications of INMOST. |
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